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Cult or Just Weird

Dec 10, 2019

Wanna chat about the episode? Or just hang out?

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Awards shows are rituals of indulgent, narcissistic filler.

It's the CoJW season one finale! Chris & Kayla revisit cults and weirds from all season to bestow some very prestigious and not at all fake awards.


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Nov 26, 2019

Wanna chat about the episode? Or just hang out?

Come join us on discord!



Yeah I get confused, that's the human in me.
I reason that shit out, that's the science in me.

Chris & Kayla tap into their trust network to find experts to help navigate the tricky & complicated topic of epigenetics... and the tricky &...

Nov 12, 2019

Wanna chat about the episode? Or just hang out?

Come join us on discord!



We just took a DNA test, turns out...

To set the stage for the next cult-or-just-weird in question, Chris & Kayla dig into some very cool molecular biology.


*Search Categories*

Science / Pseudoscience; Business; MLM; Alt Medicine...

Oct 29, 2019

Wanna chat about the episode? Or just hang out?

Come join us on discord!



This episode: so fun, it's scary.

Kayla & Chris wrap up their Halloween themed topic and decide if it's a cult, or just weird.


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*Topic Spoiler*

Spirit Halloween, pt2


*Further Reading*


Spirit Halloween...

Oct 15, 2019

Wanna chat about the episode? Or just hang out?

Come join us on discord!



What do crustaceans, ghosts, and apocalypses have in common?

Kayla and Chris welcome in the spooky season with an on-theme episode.


*Search Categories*



*Topic Spoiler*

Spirit Halloween, pt1


*Further Reading*

