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Cult or Just Weird

Sep 29, 2020

Wanna chat about the episode? Or just hang out?

Come join us on discord!



May we live long and die out.

Kayla discovers a group that exists to cease.


*Search Categories*

Anthropological; Common interest / Fandom


*Topic Spoiler*

the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


*Further Reading*


Sep 15, 2020

Wanna chat about the episode? Or just hang out?

Come join us on discord!



We hit a mother lode of madness.

Chris complains to Kayla about some extremely weird ads he's been getting on YouTube lately.


*Search Categories*

New Age; Science / Pseudoscience; Business; Destructive; Conspiracy Theory; Alt...

Sep 1, 2020

Wanna chat about the episode? Or just hang out?

Come join us on discord!



Science is about questions. Self help is about answers.


Kayla and Chris take a bite out of a meaty topic.


*Search Categories*

Science / Pseudoscience; Business; Destructive; Alt Medicine / Wellness


*Topic Spoiler*

The Lion...